'This haul was little bit fancy and little bit casual! Tell me what was your favorite piece! Shop Fashion Nova: http://bit.ly/2VVLTSa Shop my outfits: liketoknowit.com/natashapolis Try AUDIBLE for free: http://www.audibletrial.com/Tashapolis --------------------------------------------------------- I N S T A G R A M: http://instagram.com/tashapolis T W I T T E R: https://twitter.com/tashapolis F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/Tashapolis G O O D R E A D S: https://www.goodreads.com/tashapolis --------------------------------------------------------- Business contact: collabs@natashapolis.com --------------------------------------------------------- ★Get money back when you shop online from Rakuten: https://www.rakuten.com/r/NATASH5917?... ★Try AUDIBLE for free: http://www.audibletrial.com/Tashapolis Sign up for Honey for extra discounts: https://joinhoney.com/shop/made-well?... ★Check out Cratejoy Subscription Boxes: https://bit.ly/2FvcLLV TASHAPOLIS MERCH: http://rdbl.co/tashapolis Disclaimer: Sponsored by Fashion Nova. All opinions are my own There are some affiliate links, if you purchase/signup through me I get a tiny portion of the profits which really helps me out. Music from Epidemic Sound https://player.epidemicsound.com Hey people scrolling through the description! I\'m Natasha, a beauty and fangirl content creator from Southern California. I read, consume, and adore all forms of storytelling. I attend conventions all over the country and travel to fictionalized places as a hobby all while working full time in Fashion Marketing. You\'ll find a variety of videos on my channel, but if you\'re a fangirl/fanboy, you\'ll never get bored here! New videos every week!'
Tags: Fall Fashion , fashion nova , Plus size , fashion nova curve , clothing haul , plus size clothing haul , plus size style , tashapolis , curvy clothing
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